Comfort in the Discomfort: Using Agile and Edge Theory to Metabolize Change
We Agilists have long held that we are in an age of VUCA -- volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. ...
We Agilists have long held that we are in an age of VUCA -- volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. ...
How has coaching evolved? And how can we create a culture of coaching? In this podcast, we are joined by ...
Listen in as I talk with Salah about agile coaching and it's importance... Hosted by Salah Elleithy sparkagility ...
After writing her groundbreaking Coaching Agile Teams, Lyssa was put on pedestal by the Agile community and has been there ...
xploring the Evolution of Agile Coaching 20 Years Agile and and what could be more important than focusing on ...
Let‘s celebrate Agile’s pervasive impact! Lyssa Adkins, Sally Elatta, Christopher Richardson, Antoinette Coetzee and Sharon Guerin share insight into ...