Coaching Agile Teams Audiobook
available now!
on Amazon, Audible and iTunes
Go Behind the Scenes with me…
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Behind-the-Scenes Coaching Agile Teams audiobook: Well, ya’ll, it is DONE! I just recorded the final bonus which is new content, a Book Club Guide, and that’s ALL SHE WROTE (literally)! My part is done, now it’s up to the sound engineers to do their magic. Thought you might like to see this pic of all the InspireMe! cards ( I drew these last weeks. As people often tell me, the messages I got were just perfect for what I needed. Whether it was a knock upside the head to use agile on myself more; “get over yourself” and just record; or encouragement that I can do it, the card each morning was puuurfect. Thanks Deborah Preuss, PCC, CPCC for creating such a useful deck of cards with me.
Very early sample of what it might sound like.
Behind-the-scenes Coaching Agile Teams audiobook:
Taking a break after many days of recording. Almost done with chapter 7 now, Coach as Teacher. That’s a least a half dozen donuts in total!
🍩 🍩 🍩 🍩 🍩 🍩
I’ll be back at it in a couple of days to record some more. In the meantime, my sunset of-the-moment reminds me of this other picture that was taken on this very lake. This pic (with the ever-supportive TENWOMENSTRONG co-leader scarf) shows one of the InspireMe! cards I drew when I started recording one of the longest files of the whole audiobook this morning which is now done! 🍩
Behind-the-scenes Coaching Agile Teams audiobook:
23 days in,
172 of 313 pages recorded — “in the can” as they say.
Over half way, but a long way to go still (plus bonuses!).
I was warned this is a marathon, not a sprint.
Or, as I have been thinking about it lately, it’s a luxuriously drawn out pleasure. (sounds much better than marathon)
My “hack” of imagining I’m talking with an agile coach and responding to questions they ask has been working really well these last days. Olga Yiannakis, thanks for being my imaginary friend yesterday. You “asked” really good questions about teaching the agile roles. And, Gail Ferreira, you were my imaginary partner today. We had a great “conversation” about solving problems for the teams. Whenever I was stuck, I just looked up at your face and got two things: 1) a boost of confidence 2) the “prompt” that would have me talk about the next section I was recording.
The InspireMe! cards were a help, too. What I love about a new box of InspireMe! cards is that you often get a “twofer” because the cards are crisp and new. I got a twofer yesterday AND today! Twofer for two days.
Here’s a sample of some content that hit me as a “gem” while I was recording it this morning. It’s about what happens when an agile coach “covers” for an absent or poor-performing product owner. [Side note: My InspireMe! deck ( held me in good stead this morning with the beautiful card about the *choice* of joy over fear.]
Recording the Coaching Agile Teams audiobook provides a great opportunity to find the places where the state of the art has advanced or our situations have become more complex. In this pre-release bonus, let me tell you about one such place regarding the Agile Roles.
Behind-the-scenes: my setup as I record the Coaching Agile Teams audiobook… citrus green tea with honey, water, all the tech gear and the inspiration gear… A note that TENWOMENSTRONG’s Carolyn Dragon wrote that says “keep sharing the inspiration.”