Lyssa will hold live agile coaching sessions with a group of your choice (ScrumMasters/Agile Coaches, related Agile Teams, transformation leaders) so that you can get insight into the top dilemmas and have people leave ready to take action.

What are the benefits?

  • People get coached/mentored by a highly skilled professional coach and one of the thought leaders in the Agile world.
  • They leave the conversations with tangible actions they are willing to take. This could move the needle on some of the “intractable” problems you’ve probably been dealing with for a while!
  • The rest of the group benefits from the content discussed in the sessions as well as the debrief about the skills of Agile Coaching (coaching, facilitating, teaching, mentoring) they witnessed Lyssa using.

How does it work?

In real time, Lyssa facilitates the group to quickly decide on the highest business value topics to tackle.

Lyssa conducts a live agile coaching session with the person or pair that is living the dilemma of the topic right now — in front of everyone else. The person/pair walks away with tangible actions they are ready to take. Alternatively, the topic may be best addressed by Lyssa teaching a concept and then facilitating the group to apply the concept to the topic.

After each coaching topic, we debrief what everyone witnessed. We discuss the skills Lyssa used in the session and “pull back the curtain” on the components of agile coaching she demonstrated.

Then, we move on to the next highest business value topic using the same pattern.

Repeat until we run out of time. Approximately 6 topics can be tackled in a day.

What do Lyssa’s clients say?

Testimonial from Colleen Kirtland
Testimonial from Jasper Verdooen

Lyssa Adkins

Lyssa Adkins is an internationally-recognized thought leader in Agile coaching. She has been pleased to serve the emergence of Agile Coaching as a profession. In 2010, she co-founded the Agile Coaching Institute which has developed over 10,000 people in the knowledge, skills and being-ness needed to yield genuinely competent agile coaching. She is the author of Coaching Agile Teams which, as a top ranking Agile book, was released as an audiobook in its 10th year.

Lyssa holds an alphabet soup of certifications: ICAgile Expert in Agile Coaching (ICE-AC), Scrum Alliance Certified Enterprise Coach Emeritus (CEC-E), International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Organization and Relationship Systems Certified Coach (ORSCC) and Certified Integral Facilitator (IF).  She is also a trained Co-Active Coach and Leader.