Welcome to another episode of our Prestigious Pints series. This episode we’ve got an absolute global agile superstar Lyssa Adkins, author of Coaching Agile Teams.

We didn’t really talk a huge amount about coaching agile teams. Instead we talked about the “accumulation of anxieties” as Lyssa called it. This was quite timely given that this week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK.

This led to a discussion about the difference between coaching and therapy and we had some questions from our Patrons before Lyssa gave us an insight into who her inspirations were and are now and finally we got a bit of an insight into what she’s doing now and in the future.

A fantastically interesting and fascinating and enjoyable conversation for us which saw over an hour absolutely fly by.

Hosted by The Agile Pubcast

Prestigious Pints Episode 7 – Lyssa Adkins

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About the Author: lyssaadkins

I focus on improving the performance of organizational leaders to solve the challenges they face today while expanding their capacities to be more fit for the challenges right around the corner. I do this through skillful professional and organizational systems coaching. For many years I have been a passionate contributor to the discipline and profession of Agile Coaching and have trained many thousands of agilists in the knowledge, skills, and mindsets needed to coach teams and organizations to get full benefits of Agile. I authored Coaching Agile Teams which has sold 80,000+ and been translated into more than a dozen languages.